Export Stable
It is important that the animals are inspected by us,
together with a vet, before they are transported.
We place great focus on ensuring that the animals are fit to be transported.
The original buildings are from 1940. Verner Bøjtang, Per Sørensen and Henrik Nielsen purchased the old export stalls in 2008. In 2011, the building was subjected to comprehensive renovation which, in future, will ensure completely optimal conditions for the animals which come to the building. Good stabling possibilities with water and fodder ensure that the animals are fresh and rested when they are exported.
A professional milking parlour was built in 2018, where up to ten cows can be milked simultaneously. This new addition has optimised job safety for our employees.
The latest addition is a hydraulic ramp which ensures that the animals are loaded and unloaded in a quiet and calm manner.
There are good possibilities for stabling much-sought-after Danish breeding stock.
Newly renovated kitchen, bathroom and office facilities ensure that there are good conditions for drivers, personnel and other users of the export stalls.
The Stable in Skærbæk can house circa 2000 pigs for overnight stays.
Circa 450,000 animals pass through Skærbæk Export ApS per year.